This paper provides a unique profile of which men have increased their use of GPs or FPCs for family planning services over the 1990s. Data were taken from the repeated cross-sectional British Omnibus Survey, 1991–2000. In total, 16 470 men were asked which health service they had used for family planning purposes within the last five years.

Although around two-thirds of men cite general practice as their preferred source for professional advice on contraception, in 2000, only 12.5% had used this source for family planning purposes in the past five years. Between 1991 and 2000, the most significant growth was in the use of FPCs, particularly among men aged 16–24 years, of single or cohabiting marital status, or professional or unskilled social class. The most remarkable growth in the use of GPs relative to use in 1991 was among men aged 35–44 years and those in the skilled non-manual and skilled manual social classes.

The study concluded that as the 1990s progressed, an increasing percentage of men attended GPs and FPCs for family planning purposes. Differential growth rates by age group, marital status, and social class have occurred, but their use levels are still much lower than for women.

