The world population is dramatically ageing, resulting in an increase of the prevalence of older dependent adults living in nursing homes (NHs). Because of insufficient resources in NHs, and nurses’ lack of time and knowledge, adverse events, most of them being preventable, are often reported. Clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) have proven to improve the quality of care in various healthcare settings such as hospitals and primary care centers. However, the use of CDSSs in NHs is still limited and little is known about their influence on nursing practices and NH residents’ clinical outcomes. We conducted a scoping review of the literature to evaluate CDSS use in NHs. Out of 1,231 retrieved papers, 15 studies were retrieved which assess 10 CDSSs applied to pressure ulcers and malnutrition prevention, drug prescription, and disease management. This review showed CDSSs could be effective in NHs for improving routine clinical practice and patient outcomes, but research is still needed to implement effective CDSSs in NHs.
