PD – Peyronie disorder is a severe disorder that requires better diagnosis and management. Four organizations have separately published guidelines for PD diagnosis and management in the past five years. This study aims to compare and contrast those four guidelines to look for similarities and differences.

The researchers analyzed the guidelines for PD diagnosis and treatment published by the European Association of Urology, the International Society of Sexual Medicine, the American Urological Association, and the Canadian Urologic Association.

All four guidelines used history as an adequate factor for diagnosis. For evaluating penile deformity before the invasive intervention, the gold standard method is intracavernosal injection. Counseling and decision making are essential prior to PD treatment. In common cases, grafting, incision, and plication surgeries are best for individuals with preserved erectile action. Those with ED can get treated with prosthesis implantation. Non-surgical treatments are inefficient in terms of efficacy and have several controversies. However, all four guidelines recognize that intralesional injections are efficient.

The highlighted correlations and differences in the four guidelines help in better management of PD. Further studies are essential for finding novel treatment methods for early intervention and better outcomes. More research is essential for better surgical treatment practices.

 Ref: https://www.jsm.jsexmed.org/article/S1743-6095(20)31059-6/fulltext
