Researchers did this study to compare indicators of risk and preventive behaviors among young women attending GUM clinics who had and had not received at least one dose of the HPV vaccine.

Researchers obtained data from three hundred and sixty-three participants eligible for HPV vaccination in the vaccination program attending GUM clinics in the North West of England. Researchers compared markers of sexual and non-sexual risk behaviors between vaccinated and unvaccinated women using logistic regression.

Unvaccinated women demonstrated higher levels of risky behavior than those who had undergone HPV vaccination. Unvaccinated women were significantly more likely to have had three or more partners in the last six months, attended the clinic with symptoms, not used a condom at first sexual intercourse, to have tested positive for Chlamydia trachomatis diagnosis at the clinic visit, and to be a current smoker.

The study concluded that where vaccine coverage is high, failure to initiate HPV vaccination amongst GUM attendees is a marker of high-risk behaviors. As a result, HPV vaccination status should be ascertained as part of an individual’s clinical history by sexual health services to ensure advice and counseling are provided to those at the most significant risk of HPV-associated disease.

