TUESDAY, July 3, 2018 (HealthDay News) — Marketing is important for physicians, and effective methods include internet marketing, speaking engagements, and print materials, according to an article published in Medical Economics.

Marketing is increasingly important in medicine, especially for primary care physicians, who do not receive referrals from other doctors. Internet marketing on social media platforms can help doctors reach potential patients. Building an online presence can let patients learn more about a doctor before deciding to schedule an appointment. Some consider an online presence a necessity; patients may assume that if a website is not up to date, the doctor may also not be current in terms of patient care. Some sites automatically list practices in their directories, but the information may be outdated or incorrect, so doctors should claim these free social media profiles.

Holding talks and other informational events can also be an effective way to reach patients directly. In some cases, these may not be initially intended as marketing, but rather as an educational opportunity or a way to give back to the community. Using print materials is also effective for reaching patients and other physicians. Brochures can be useful and tailored to a specific patient or physician audience.

“Marketing is essential for every business, and medicine is no exception,” according to the article.

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