Learning mathematics is an important skill especially the knowledge of basic mathematics that allows the cognitive development of the children. Educational programs for students at different institutions with moderate and severe disabilities (MSD) have undergone changes since the mandate for access to the general curriculum was provided by the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act.

Since that time, efforts are being made by the researchers, and the educators have struggled to find methods to use to promote optimal learning, including in the area of mathematics. This systematic literature review was done with the purpose to provide an update on research related to teaching mathematics to students with MSD published. Results from the included studies indicated that mathematics research has started to diversify in the skills that are being taught to this population. In addition to skills taught, current research has continued to inform the field of some promising methods that can be used to teach a broader range of mathematics skills.

The findings of the study highlight the emerging strategies that were identified included the use of concrete representations, anchored instruction, and instructional technology. Suggestions for future research are discussed.

Reference: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1088357619827932
