Development of primary liver cancer is a multi-stage process. Detailed understanding of sequential epigenetic alterations is largely missing. Here, we performed Infinium Human Methylation 450k BeadChips and RNA sequencing analyses for genome-wide methylome and transcriptome profiling of cirrhotic liver (n=7), low- (n=4) and high-grade (n=9) dysplastic lesions, early (n=5) and progressed (n=3) hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC) synchronously detected in eight HCC patients with chronic hepatitis B infection. Integrative analyses of epigenetically driven molecular changes were identified and validated in two independent cohorts comprising 887 HCC. Mitochondrial DNA sequencing was further employed for clonality analyses and indicates multi-clonal origin in the majority of investigated HCC. Alterations in DNA methylation progressively increased from CL to dysplastic lesions and reached a maximum in early HCC. Associated early alterations identified by IPA pathway analyses involved apoptosis, immune regulation and stemness pathways, while late changes centered on cell survival, proliferation and invasion. We further validated putative 23 epi-drivers with concomitant expression changes and associated with overall survival. Functionally, Striatin 4 (STRN4) was demonstrated to be epigenetically regulated and inhibition of STRN4 significantly suppressed tumorigenicity of HCC cell lines.Overall, application of integrative genomic analyses defines epigenetic driver alterations and provides promising targets for novel therapeutic approaches.
About The Expert
Carolin Czauderna
Alicia Poplawski
Colm J O Rourke
Darko Castven
Benjamín Pérez-Aguilar
Diana Becker
Stefanie Heilmann-Heimbach
Margarete Odenthal
Wafa Amer
Marcel Schmiel
Uta Drebber
Harald Binder
Dirk A Ridder
Mario Schindeldecker
Beate K Straub
Peter R Galle
Jesper B Andersen
Snorri S Thorgeirsson
Young Nyun Park
Jens U Marquardt