This study was done in order to analyze the relationship bet­ween early detection and early stimulation with the receptive language skills of preschool children using the HBM theory.

This research was con­duc­ted using a cross-sectional research design on the location of Surakarta, from December – January from the year 2019 to 2010. A sample of 200 children was selected using a fix­ed disease sampling tech­ni­que as an inclusion criterion. The dependent va­riable is receptive langua­ge ability. The inde­pen­dent variables are per­ception of vulnerability, perception of serious­­­ness, cues to action, and self-efficacy. The intermediate variables are early detection and early stimulation. Data collection was done by using questionnaires and ROWPVT, data were analyzed using path analysis with Stata 13.

Receptive language skills are improved with mothers who do early detection and early stimulation.

The study concluded that children’s receptive language skills increase with mothers who do early detec­tion and early stimulation. Children’s receptive language skills are indirectly affected by per­cep­tion of vulnerability, perception of serious­­ness, cues to action, and self-efficacy through early detection or early stimulation by the mother.

