THURSDAY, Nov. 14, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Global burdens of colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and stomach cancer increased from 1990 to 2017, according to four studies published online Oct. 21 in The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology. The studies were published to coincide with the United European Gastroenterology Week, held from Oct. 19 to 23 in Barcelona, Spain.
Researchers from the GBD 2017 Colorectal Cancer Collaborators disclosed the global, regional, and national burden of colorectal cancer. The researchers found that in 2017, there were 1.8 million incident cases of colorectal cancer globally, with a 9.5 percent increase in the age-standardized rate between 1990 and 2017. The age-standardized death rate decreased between 1990 and 2017 (−13.5 percent). In a second study, the authors identified 448,000 incident cases of pancreatic cancer globally in 2017. The age-standardized incidence rate increased from 5.0 to 5.7 per 100,000 person-years in 1990 to 2017, respectively. The number of deaths increased 2.3-fold in both sexes from 1990 to 2017.
In a third study, the authors identified 6.8 million cases of IBD globally in 2017, with an increase in the age-standardized prevalence rate from 79.5 to 84.3 per 100,000 population in 1990 and 2017, respectively. During the same period, there was a decrease noted in the age-standardized death rate, from 0.61 to 0.51 per 100,000 population.
In the fourth study, authors identified more than 1.22 million incident cases of stomach cancer worldwide and nearly 865,000 stomach cancer deaths in 2017. More than 356,000 more incident cases of stomach cancer were estimated in 2017 versus 1990, leading to nearly 96,000 more deaths. However, since 1990, there was a decrease in the worldwide age-standardized rates of stomach cancer.
One or more of the authors from each study disclosed financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry.
Abstract/Full Text – Colorectal Cancer
Abstract/Full Text – Pancreatic Cancer
Abstract/Full Text – IBD
Abstract/Full Text – Stomach Cancer
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