To find out significance of the main locking mechanisms of lower esophageal sphincter in the relapse of GERD in patients with axial hiatal hernia after previous antireflux laparoscopic surgery.
There were 103 patients with GERD and axial hiatal hernia who underwent original circular laparoscopic esophagofundoplication with correction of hiatal opening dimensions by crural and hiatal repair. Depending on generalized DeMeester index (within the normal range or its excess), all patients were divided into two groups – without relapse (group 1, =88) and with recurrent GERD (group 2, =15). Both groups were comparable by the main characteristics and postoperative follow-up period (mean – 6 years). Antireflux function was investigated by X-ray examination and endoscopy, manometry of the esophageal-gastric passage, intra-esophageal 24-hour pH-monitoring. Processing and graphical presentation of data was carried out using Statistica v.10.0 Rus software (StatSoft, USA) and Microsoft Office Excel 2013 (USA).
Abnormal gastroesophageal reflux was detected in 14.56±3.48% of patients after laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery. Recurrent hiatal hernia occurred in 20±10.33% of these patients, malfunction of lower esophageal sphincter – in 80±10.33%. Failure of cardia was caused by shortening of its length by 30.43% and decrease of tone by 6.78% with significantly (61.09%) increased tone of the stomach. Failure of cardia was manifested by increase of generalized DeMeester index in the lower third of the esophagus by 3.2 times, acidic gastroesophageal refluxes, reflux index and index reflux values. Preserved esophageal motility combined with shortening of time of esophageal clearance in patient’s lying position was associated with reduced incidence of reflux-esophagitis by 77.26% even in case of recurrent GERD.
Abnormal reflux after antireflux laparoscopic surgery due to GERD with axial hiatal hernia is caused by recurrent hiatal hernia in every fifth patient while the main reason is failure of LES cuff with increased intragastric pressure.
About The Expert
V I Oskretkov
V A Gankov
A R Andreasyan
G I Klimova
M A Ovsepyan