Researchers did this study to provide standardized information about the contraceptive implant; a DVD was developed for use within the SRH service in Edinburgh. The secondary aim was to determine if the accuracy of information recalled after watching a DVD was comparable to that following a face-to-face consultation and if patients found the use of a DVD acceptable.

Fifty women attending an abortion clinic considering using Nexplanon for the first time agreed to be randomized to receive information about the implant either by a DVD developed operating data taken from an organization or face-to-face consultation. A small number of participants from each group attended for in-depth interviews.

The majority of those who had watched the DVD agreed that it had been informative and would be happy to receive contraceptive information via a DVD in the future.

The study concluded that using a DVD to provide patient information on Nexplanon is acceptable and informative and may enhance patient consultations. A large randomized controlled trial may determine if the provision of quality standardized information via DVD can improve uptake or continuation rates of long-acting reversible contraception methods.

