New research was presented at ICAAC 2012, the 52nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, from September 9 to 12 in San Francisco. The features below highlight just some of the studies that emerged from the conference.
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Evaluating a Point-of-Care HIV Test
In some settings, access to CD4 testing for determining the eligibility for antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIV is constrained. A simple, instrument-free test provided at the point of care may improve access to CD4 testing for patients with HIV in rural areas. Read more.
Comparing Approaches to Hand Hygiene Compliance
The standard method for monitoring hand hygiene compliance before and after patient contact does not assess the appropriateness or risk stratification of compliance as described in the World Health Organization’s 5 Moments (5M) hand hygiene audit tool. The accuracy of monitoring compliance in prolonged episodes of patient care that involves long “strings” of hand hygiene activity is uncertain. Read more.
Viral Coinfections in Children With Respiratory Infections
Little is known about the impact of viral coinfections and recently discovered viruses on the epidemiology of respiratory infections (RIs) in pediatric patients. Read more.
Influenza Treatment in Infants
Among children aged 2 and younger, influenza-associated morbidity is high. It is not clear, however, how the clinical complications, anti-viral treatment patterns, and healthcare use of infants aged 1 or younger during the H1N1 2009 pandemic compares with those of previous pre-pandemic seasons. Read more.
Reducing CVC-Related Bloodstream Infections
Central venous catheters (CVCs) are frequently used throughout hospitals nationwide, and related bloodstream infections are common among recipients of these devices. A hospital-wide training program focusing on the significance of these infections may help reduce the burden. Read more.
News Releases from ICAAC 2012
- Highly drug-resistant E. coli infections now occurring in communities in the U.S.
- Antibiotic resistance to frequently used antibiotics in the Dutch community
- Unrecognized Heart Disease in HIV+ Patients
- Drugs for cholesterol control could provide benefits in patients with Candidemia
- New Molecule Shows Promise against Tuberculosis
- High mortality in patients with a Clostridium difficile infection in a non-outbreak setting
- Can we use cranberries or other natural products as prophylaxis against Urinary Tract Infections?
- First Long-Acting HIV Fusion Inhibitor Albuvirtide Shows Promise in Treating Adults with HIV-1
- Meta Analysis of Differences in Viral Suppression by Race in Clinical Trials
- Ritonavir-boosted atazanavir is a significant risk factor for kidney stones
- A Simpler Method for Conducting Norovirus Surveillance aboard U.S. Navy Vessels
- A Novel Human Monoclonal Antibody Against Influenza
- Same-day test for bloodstream infections with complex drug resistance reported at clinical microbiology congress in San Francisco.
- Droplet Digital PCR for Detection of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus from Clinical Swabs
- Chemotherapy-induced Changes of the commensal microbiota in cancer patients
- Novel non-antibiotic agents against MRSA and common Strep infections
- New Treatment to Control Wound Biofilms and Inflammation
- Preventing Entry of Clostridium difficile Toxins into Cells
- Inadequate Antibiotic Therapy in Bloodstream Infections due to ESBL-Producing Bacteria Decreases Patient Survival
- The impact of a patient’s weight on the clinical effectiveness of linezolid and vancomycin in treating MRSA pneumonia
- Put the thermometer where? Measuring skin surface temperature can help assess the severity and treatment of skin infection.
- Improved antibody therapies for the treatment of Clostridium difficile infection
- Staphylococcus aureus: emergence of a new multidrug-resistance mechanism in a virulent isolate
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may present antibacterial activity and modify antibiotic susceptibility of Gram-negative bacteria due to interaction with efflux pumps
- Analysis of 101 cases of joint infections
More from ICAAC 2012
ICAAC 2012 iPosters Browse the posters presented in San Francisco.
ICAAC Digital Video Library Earn CME credits by viewing more than 200 hours of educational content, available online or via mobile viewing.
2012 ICAAC Literature Review Read abstracts from hundreds of studies presented at ICAAC 2012.
Hot Topics in Vaccines Review abstracts from the various presentations in this symposium.
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