The timed barium esophagram (TBE) is a fluoroscopic examination that is extensively used as an additional technique for identifying and monitoring therapy response in people with esophageal emptying problems. The purpose of this study was to explain the features and feasibility of a pediatric TBE protocol, as well as to offer the first report on the potential utility of TBE for assessing esophageal emptying in the pediatric population. Retrospective chart study of pediatric patients who received TBE at a tertiary pediatric hospital. ROC curves for TBE to identify esophageal emptying problems were created using data from individuals who had both TBE and high-resolution esophageal manometry (HRM). TBE was performed on 22 individuals. According to the procedure, 14 of the 23 patients got 150 mL of barium volume. Within 20 seconds, over half of the individuals could tolerate swallowing barium. HRM was performed on nine people. The sensitivity of conventional adult TBE criteria for detecting emptying problems was 100%, with a specificity of 40%. A modified diagnostic threshold provided 100% sensitivity and 80% specificity.
TBE is a viable noninvasive screening method for children with delayed esophageal emptying. The protocol for time and volume of barium was followed inconsistently; nonetheless, the experiments remained interpretable. This demographic may benefit from different diagnostic cutoffs than adults, therefore clinical judgment should be utilized until precise diagnostic cutoffs for children are identified.