This study was done to assess the knowledge and practices regarding self-management of minor discomforts among preg­nant mothers attending to selected ANC, MOH area, Batticaloa.

It was a cross-sectional des­crip­tive study was conducted in selected ante­natal clinics among all registered antenatal mot­hers attending to these ANCs. A ques­­­­tionnaire was used to collect the data. Know­ledge on self-management of minor dis­orders was a DV and IV were the sociodemographic statuses, eco­no­mic status, and obstetric details of pregnant mot­hers. The descriptive and inferential statistic was per­form­ed to analyze the relevant data.

Nearly half of the participants were in 20–29 years and 62% of them were primiparous mot­hers. Around 93% of them were experiencing nausea and vomiting during their pregnancy and among them, all were reported nausea and vomit­ing has occurred during their 1st trimester. About ⅓ of them mentioned that home reme­dies are the best way to self-manage the minor dis­­­com­forts. The mean know­ledge score on minor discomforts and self-management was 12.16. The majority of participants scored less than 1/2.

The study concluded through its findings that the prevalence of minor dis­com­forts among pregnant mothers was high and preg­nant mothers have expressed that minor dis­comforts can be managed with home remedies. Further, knowledge level regarding minor dis­com­forts and their self-management was in­ade­quate.

