FRIDAY, Sept. 13, 2019 (HealthDay News) — The lifetime risks for peripheral artery disease (PAD) are higher in black men and women than in whites or Hispanics, according to a study published online Sept. 10 in the Journal of the American Heart Association.
Kunihiro Matsushita, M.D., Ph.D., from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, and colleagues estimated the prevalence and incidence of PAD from birth to 80 years for white, black, and Hispanic men and women. Lifetime risks were estimated in a simulated cohort of 100,000 individuals; a calculator was developed to provide residual lifetime risk based on traditional risk factors.
The researchers found that lifetime risks for PAD were 30.0 and 27.6 percent in black men and women in an 80-year horizon compared with about 19 percent in white men and women and about 22 percent in Hispanic men and women. By 60 years of age, 9 percent of blacks were estimated to develop PAD, while for whites and Hispanics, the same proportion was seen at about 70 years. Within the same race/ethnicity, the residual lifetime risk varied by 3.5- to 5.0-fold according to risk factors (residual lifetime risk, 70.4 versus 19.9 percent in 45-year-old black men with versus without current smoking, diabetes mellitus, and history of cardiovascular disease).
“Blacks have a significantly higher PAD risk than whites and Hispanics, even though current clinical guidelines don’t list race as a contributing factor,” Matsushita said in a statement.
Two authors disclosed financial ties to the medical device and biopharmaceutical industries.
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