The polio endgame strategy calls for ending the use of and removal of all Sabin vaccines globally given the risks of generation and spread of cVDPVs. With the successful eradication of wild poliovirus type 2 in 2015, the process of removing type 2 Sabin vaccines began with the switch from tOPV to bOPV across national vaccination programs. Following the tOPV to bOPV switch in April/May 2016, monovalent type 2 OPV (mOPV2) has been put into use in response to detected cVDPV2 polioviruses outbreaks. Between 31 May 2016 and 30 Jun 2020, 453 million doses of mOPV2 were provided to 21 countries to conduct 235 campaigns to respond to cVDPV2 outbreaks and high-risk events. However, the use of this vaccine paradoxically reintroduces live attenuated type 2 poliovirus into the populations and the environment, therefore, poses a risk for the emergence of new VDPV2s. Thus, it is critical to carefully and appropriately manage all in-country mOPV2 stocks utilized in outbreak response to minimize this risk. In this article, we examine the performance of mOPV2 vaccine management utilized for various outbreak responses after the switch.We present the major challenges faced and the lessons learned, to improve technical guidance and future response activities. Performance varied significantly across countries in terms of each of the activity areas evaluated. There were major gaps, especially in terms of vaccine accountability, and in many instances large numbers of vials went unaccounted presenting additional risk for further VDPV2 emergences. We have shown that especially at the beginning of implementation, insufficient attention has been given to mOPV2 vaccine management. Enhanced focus on mOPV2 vaccine management in line with the lessons learned presented in this paper should be a priority for public health programs and countries to consider and adapt in future VDPV2 responses as well as potential future activities associated with eventual complete withdrawal & cessation of OPV.These experiences can also be extended to other vaccines for which strict stock management and containment measures are required.Copyright © 2022. Published by Elsevier Ltd.