Lockdowns and quarantines are making it difficult for kids and teens to control their weight, according to child health experts at Stanford Children’s Health. Lost routines, economic insecurity, and grief are making things more challenging for children who struggle with their weight, whether it’s with obesity or anorexia, they said. When stay-at-home orders and online school became widespread, many young people were no longer participating in sports or even walking the halls at school. “Everyone’s activity level has changed drastically,” said Dr. Elizabeth Shepard, medical director of the pediatric weight clinic at Stanford Children’s Health’s Center for Healthy Weight. “Overall, we’ve seen excessive weight gain during the pandemic. For some kids, that puts them suddenly into the range of overweight or obesity, and that can be quite detrimental to their health over the long term.” Dr. Shepard’s patients are dealing with anxiety and depression, she said. One or both parents may have lost their jobs, making it harder to afford healthy, fresh foods. Some are unable to maintain regular mealtimes. Dr. Shepard and colleagues encourage providers to inform parents that programs are now offering elements of weight management through telemedicine. “We need people to know that it’s safe to bring your child to the hospital or medical system to be evaluated,” said Dr. Shepard’s colleague, Dr. Neville Golden.
