For patients with lupus nephritis (LN), several predictive factors significantly impact long-term outcome, according to a study published in Lupus. In addition to conventional risk factions, other predictive factors include tubulointerstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy on kidney biopsy, Raynaud’s phenomena, and initial response to induction therapy by 6 months, the study authors noted. Patients with biopsy-proven LN (N=80) were examined and their renal responses were recorded while participating in standard therapy. Complete remission was observed in 63.75%, 70.00% and 66.60% of patients at 1, 2, and 5 years, respectively, and survival rates with normal renal function were 88.5%, 85.8%, and 60.0% at 5, 10, and 15 years, respectively. Raynaud’s phenomena, baseline hypertension, tubulointerstitial involvement, serum creatinine at 6 months, failure to achieve complete response at 2 years, time to complete response, and number of nephritic flares were all found to be risk factors for poor outcome.