One in five HIV-discordant sexual partners of people with HIV reported taking PrEP, according to results from a large sample survey published in AIDS. Linda Beer, PhD, and colleagues evaluated trends in the number of sexually active US adults with HIV who reported having an HIV-discordant sexual partner who was taking PrEP, as well as the proportion of partners taking PrEP, using data collected for nearly 5 years. Among 8,707 people with HIV who had HIV-discordant partners and 15,844 of their partners who reported using PrEP, the proportion of people with HIV who reported PrEP use by one or more discordant partners increased 19.5% annually. Among men who have sex with men (MSM) with HIV, prevalence increased from 9.6% to 32.6% among Black MSM, 16.6% to 36.0% among Hispanic/Latino MSM, and 24.9% to 44.1% among White MSM. Among HIV-discordant sexual partners, the proportion reportedly taking PrEP rose 21.1% annually. “PrEP use rose among all examined populations, although the increases did not eliminate disparities in PrEP use,” Dr. Beer and colleagues wrote.
