Primary care physicians have been the largest provider of vaccinations for older individuals, according to a study published in the Annals of Family Medicine. Researchers used 2017 Medicare Part B Fee-for-Service data and the 2013-2017 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey to assess delivery of vaccinations by provider type. In the 2017 Medicare Part B Fee-for-Service, primary care physicians provided the largest share of services for vaccinations (46%), followed closely by mass immunizers (45%), and then nurse practitioners/physician assistants (5%). Results were similar with the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, with primary care physicians providing most clinical visits for vaccination (54% of all visits). “Primary care physicians deliver preventive care as well as address acute and chronic medical needs,” the authors wrote. “ ey are equipped to provide clinical guidance to help patients interpret results from COVID-19 testing and immunity determinations and answer vaccine questions. Given its historic role in immunization counseling and vaccine delivery, primary care, in concert with public health agencies and community health organizations, is essential for immediate and sustainable population health eff orts to address COVID-19 recovery.”
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