The Alzheimer’s Disease in Older Adults with Chronic Conditions (ADACC) Network is funded by the National Institute on Aging as a U24 cooperative agreement. ADACC is an inclusive, multidisciplinary group across multiple institutions that is charged with the task of developing evidence-based strategies for the use and implementation of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD) biomarkers among older adults with cognitive impairment and multiple chronic conditions (MCCs). This report summarizes highlights of the First Annual Symposium of ADACC, which was held in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, in April 2024. An overview of the ADACC network and goals were initially described, followed by a state of the science integrating biomarkers, AD/ADRD, and multiple chronic conditions. Multiple presentations on a variety of topics were featured, including the significance of MCCs in AD/ADRD, the effects of MCCs on Alzheimer’s blood-based biomarkers, the incorporation of AD/ADRD biomarkers into cancer care, the need to address racial and biomarker disparities, clinician and patient perspectives on plasma AD/ADRD biomarker testing, and ethical considerations. ADACC emphasized the importance of supporting emerging researchers and fostering a collaborative environment.© The Author(s) 2025. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Gerontological Society of America.
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