An animated film has been created to provide information to women requesting EMA. Researchers did this study to evaluate the views of women who had recently undergone EMA on the film and its potential usefulness in providing experiential information to women requesting EMA.

Women who had undergone EMA within the past month were recruited. They were shown the film and interviewed in a semi-structured style. Interviews were recorded and transcribed. They were analyzed using cross-sectional indexing and thematic analysis with an inductive approach.

Thirteen women were interviewed who reported that the film gave a realistic EMA account. Most agreed that they would have wanted to watch it before EMA. The women commented that the film’s animated style allowed all women to relate to the story. Some commented that Lara’s experience of pain, bleeding, and side effects such as nausea differed from their own and therefore felt that it would be useful to make more than one woman’s account available.

The study concluded that the availability of animated audiovisual films recounting women’s EMA experiences might be a valuable adjunct to clinical information for women seeking EMA.

