Psoriasis is a chronic, immune-mediated skin condition that has been linked to a variety of psychological variables. Because these variables have been found to both aggravate and cause psoriasis, a growing number of studies have been conducted to explore the efficiency of various psychological treatments in psoriasis therapy. A systematic analysis of the PubMed and Scopus databases was conducted for research on psychological treatments in psoriasis management published between January 1, 1990, and November 4, 2018. Primary publications in English that conveyed physical therapy outcomes were included, whereas studies that did not provide clinical outcomes were eliminated. Studies demonstrating intervention efficacy were assigned a level of evidence based on the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. A total of 28 papers were discovered, comprising three case reports and series and 24 clinical trials with a total of 1522 individuals undergoing psychological treatments in the treatment of psoriasis. In the treatment of psoriasis, cognitive behavioural therapy and its variations, biofeedback, meditation and mindfulness-based treatments, hypnosis, music resonance therapy, motivational interviewing, emotional disclosure, and educational and interdisciplinary methods have all been explored. Despite the inclusion of 16 randomised controlled trials in this review, the literature is restricted by the variability in technique, analysis, and results. Only four of the 27 studies were assigned a level of evidence of 1+ or above. Overall, studies have sample sizes of 50 patients or less, no follow-up beyond 12 months, and attrition rates of more than 20%.
Cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness-based treatments, motivational interviewing, and educational and multidisciplinary interventions are the most promising ways of psychological intervention in psoriasis, according to given levels of evidence.