This study states that As automated a medical procedure right now addresses the main part of negligibly intrusive methodology done in urology and urological oncology, need reviewing frameworks have been distributed to control case determination during these unexpected circumstances.4,5 Regarding the urology field, ERUS (European Association of Urology Robotic Urology Section) characterizes levels of need dependent on the degree and clinical show of various infections. For instance automated cystectomy for high danger diseases or in the event of serious hematuria or mechanical extremist nephrectomy for a draining kidney tumor has need over mechanical reconstructive methods yet additionally over most automated incomplete nephrectomies and revolutionary prostatectomies. 6 However, level of need ought to be custom fitted to various emergency clinic conditions and wellbeing frameworks. Notwithstanding ERUS, mechanical social orders in different fortes have delivered explicit proposals for best practices for automated surgery. We address recent concerns and difficulties in the execution of automated urological medical procedure in the COVID-19 period (see figure) while recognizing potential arrangements and future contemplation. At the essence of the matter is the security of careful staff and patients, and conservation of ideal careful procedure while adjusting to new irresistible sickness conventions.

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