Photo Credit: Dcdp
Adults screened for inactivity at wellness visits have lower rates of comorbid conditions, according to a study published in Preventing Chronic Disease. Cole G. Chapman, PhD, and colleagues examined the value of screening patients for physical activity during adult well visits. A total of 7,261 screened patients were compared with 33,445 unscreened patients. Further comparisons were conducted between screened patients who were inactive, insufficiently active, or active (0, 1 to 149, and 150+ minutes/week of moderate-to-vigorous activity). Patients screened for inactivity presented with lower rates of several comorbid conditions, including obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. Significantly healthier cardiometabolic profiles and lower risk for up to 19 inactivity-related comorbid conditions were seen for active versus insufficiently active and inactive patients. “We believe this finding is a result of those patients who take the time to come in for annual wellness exams also are taking more time to engage in healthy behaviors,” a coauthor said in a statement.