This study is a retrospective analysis of anonymized electronic client records from callers to a safe abortion hotline. The study included ninety-six women contacted the hotline for medication abortion beyond three months gestation. Descriptive statistics were used to calculate pregnancy termination status, client experience with warning signs of potential complications, and medical care-seeking and treatment.

Ninety-six women with pregnancies beyond the first trimester called the hotline for information on medication abortion; 91 women received counseling support from the hotline. Eighty-three women successfully terminated their pregnancies using medication and did not seek medical care. Five women exhibited warning signs of potential complications and sought medical care; one woman sought care after a failed abortion. Two women were lost to follow-up, and the outcomes of their pregnancies are unknown.

The study concluded that evidence from our analysis suggests that a model of remote provision of support for abortions later in pregnancy by non-medically trained. The skilled abortion counselors could be a safe alternative for women in need of abortions beyond three months gestation in a legally restrictive context.

