Video self-modeling (VSM) uses a method called feedforward. This is used to provide the children the opportunity to view themselves as they perform in a more advanced or appropriate manner than they do presently. Modeling is a natural phenomenon and in this method, children learn by looking at themselves.

Normally there is a need for a video that demonstrates appropriate behavior so this is accomplished through the careful editing of videos. Studies on VSM and social skills with children on the autism spectrum ages 3 to 4 years have produced mixed results therefore there was a need for further exploration. This study was with multiple-baseline design across four children with a mean age of 4 years 2 months was used to determine whether VSM would facilitate social initiations. This study was meant to be a replication of a study published in 2012.

The study concluded through its findings that positive changes were seen for all four children after the use of self-modeling as an intervention to promote social interactions. The relationship between age and VSM efficacy is discussed along with other factors that may influence VSM outcomes with young children.

