The following is a summary of “A custom-made vitreoretinal surgical simulator using a silicone mold,” published in the July 2023 issue of Opthalmology by Nagamoto et al.
Researchers started a retrospective study to assess the practicality of a custom-made vitreoretinal surgical simulator using a silicone mold.
They acquired spherical silicone molds, mannequins, and spray material from an internet-based supplier and utilized them alongside expired surgical instruments to finalize the simulator. Vitreoretinal specialists validated the simulator’s functionality following a simulated vitrectomy, while nonvitreoretinal experts validated the questionnaire results.
The results revealed that vitreoretinal experts found similarities in size and rigidity between the simulated eyeball and the actual eyeball, with the intraocular practice swing appearing useful for complication prevention. The semitransparent, open-sky structure of the silicone material ensured good visibility, and the simulated membrane, created using spray glue, offered an excellent peeling sensation. Nonvitreoretinal experts’ questionnaire results showed consistently high average scores for all items, reinforcing the simulator’s utility.
Investigators concluded that a custom-made simulator was simple, cost-effective, and created an ideal training environment. Further verification at multiple facilities is recommended.
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