Effective strategies have been identifi ed that can interrupt the spread of a novel infectious disease, according to a review published in BMJ Open. Researchers conducted a systematic review of 118 studies on the use of contact tracing, testing, self-isolation, and quarantine for COVID-19 management to learn lessons from countries implementing fi nd, test, trace, isolate, support (FTTIS) in the fi rst wave of the pandemic. e researchers identifi ed the key elements of an eff ective FTTIS system needed to interrupt the spread of a novel infectious disease where treat- ment or vaccination are not yet available. ese elements include border controls, restricted entry, quarantine for inbound travelers, and comprehensive case fi nding. Repeat testing can minimize false diagnoses, and in resource- limited circumstances, pooled testing can be used. Elements also include an extended quarantine period and use of digital tools for contact tracing and self-isolation. For individuals undergoing self-isolation/quarantine, support for mental or physical health and livelihood is needed. Eff ec- tive FTTIS tools can be best used to respond to the fast-changing COVID-19 pandemic in an integrated system with rolling-wave planning.
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