It is unknown what function vitamin D has in the development of food allergies. The study reviews current research on the epidemiologic relationship between UVB and food allergies, as well as evidence for and against a particular role for vitamin D level. Since 2007, the majority of epidemiologic research has established a lack of sunshine as a risk factor for food allergy. Researchers have also looked into vitamin D levels and their potential relevance. Although contradictory, vitamin D research suggests a more nuanced relationship than a linear dosage response in all persons, with some studies showing varied correlations dependent on host characteristics. Most research has not thoroughly investigated the many impacts of sunshine, instead of focusing on a single maternal, neonatal, or childhood 25OHD level.
Many studies have connected sunshine to the development of food allergies, however, it is unclear if this is directly related to vitamin D level or a plethora of other solar-derived, seasonal, and/or regional variables. More research on the impact of sunshine and vitamin D levels in food allergy is essential due to their potential for primary prevention and disease modification.