As the number and rate of increase in the Autistic individuals never seem to decrease, there are several interventions that are being designed to help such individuals and provide them with the necessary support. Matrix training is also one of such specially designed interventions that systematically programs for the occurrence of generative outcomes, mostly in the area of language for people with an autism spectrum disorder. A literature search was done which identified studies that had previously evaluated the matrix training with individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This review was based on 12 reviewed studies, questions regarding participant characteristics were asked including targeted skills, matrix designs, evidence-based teaching strategies, percentage of learning that occurred through direct teaching and recombinative generalization, and the quality of the studies. With 29 total participants in the study, mostly preschool, and elementary ages, the most common teaching strategy implemented was a discrete trial training paradigm targeting language development.

The study concluded through its findings that matrix training produced an average of 69% of learning without direct teaching across the areas of language, play, sentence construction, and spelling.

