
Medical Technology

Why Don’t Hospitalized Elderly Patients Walk?

Forty-three minutes—that’s the median length of time a hospitalized elderly patient spends standing or walking daily, reports a New York Times story. Not only that, the paper from which the 43 minutes number came also noted that...

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EHRs Costly for Most Physicians

Most practices, especially smaller ones, do not appear to achieve positive returns on investment when adopting electronic health records (EHRs) with current meaningful use incentives alone. American researchers who surveyed...

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New Weapons in the War on Obesity

Just when you think you’ve seen everything, along comes the AspireAssist. This device, not yet FDA-approved, consists of a tube implanted in the stomach, which leads to a port that is exposed on the surface of the abdomen. Now,...

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High Costs With Critical Care Telemedicine Programs

Telemedicine programs in ICUs (tele-ICU) appear to have substantial costs, but associated profits are unclear, according to American investigators. A systematic review found that the combined costs of implementing tele-ICUs and...

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Do EMRs Make Documentation Too Easy?

There are many interesting unintended consequences of electronic medical records (EMRs). I was reminded of this by a recent blog I wrote about what interns really do when they are on call. According to a study from a VA hospital...

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A New App From the American Diabetes Association

The American Diabetes Association has launched a mobile app for iOS and Android users. Designed for easy reading and browsing on an iPhone, iPad, or Android device, the app allows users to read the newest full-text articles...

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