This study aimed to ana­lyze the deter­mi­nants of providing MP-ASI at the individual level and Posyandu level.

This research was con­ducted using a cross-sectional research de­sign. The study was conducted in Gunung­kidul Re­gen­cy from October to November 2019. Sam­p­­ling was conducted using probability samp­ling with a sample size of 200 mothers who have child­ren aged 6-24 months. The DV is the prac­tice of complementary feed­ing. The IV were birth weight, nutritional status, maternal knowledge toward complementary feeding, maternal education, and fa­mily in­come. Data collection tools were ques­tion­naire, weight scales, and height gau­ges. Data were analyzed by a multiple multi level logis­tic regres­sion.

Good Complementary feeding prac­tice was positively associated with birth weight ≥2500 grams, nor­mal child nutritional status, high maternal knowledge toward complementary feeding, maternal education ≥Senior high school, and high fa­mily income.

This study concluded through its findings that good complementary feeding prac­tice increases with normal birth weight, nor­mal child nutritional status, high maternal know­ledge, high maternal education, and high fa­mily income. Posyandu has a strong con­textual effect on complementary feeding practice.

