Tonsillitis is a type of ARI common in children and toddlers. This stu­dy was done with a purpose to determine the relationship of ex­clu­sive breast­feeding to tonsillitis in child­ren aged 0-7 years at the Pajang Health Center, Su­ra­karta, Central Java, Indonesia.

This was a study conducted on the cross sec­tional study research design, which was conduct­ed at the location of Pajang com­mu­nity health center, Su­ra­karta, Central Java, Indo­ne­sia. The total sample size was 30 chil­dren which were less than 7 years of age. They were selected for this study as they fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The de­pendent vari­able was tonsillitis. The inde­pen­dent variable was the history of exclusive breast­feeding. The data were co­l­lec­ted by ques­tionnaire and physical exa­mina­tion. The data were analyzed using Fischer’s exact test.

The statistical analysis of the collected data by ques­tionnaire and physical exa­mina­tion indicated that the non-exclusive breastfeeding increa­s­­es the risk of tonsillitis in children aged 0-7 years.

The study concluded through its findings that children aged 0-7 years who do not get exclusive breastfeeding are at risk of having tonsillitis than children who get exclu­sive breastfeeding.

