The aim of the project of Universal Health Coverage is to ensure global development and dissemination of health care services to the people in the different parts of the countries. There are policymakers of different parts of the countries who are trying their level best to ensure that the people are provided with the existing benefits of healthcare in the best possible manner so that no person is denied access to health care due to his or her low income earning capacity. Therefore, in the end, what matters the most is to calculate and analyze how these risk factors are acting as a hindrance to the ultimate aim of becoming a healthy goal. Therefore, in the end, efforts are being made throughout the world, to ensure that the people are provided with the care and hence, every hindrance which acts in their way be it related to income prospects, or accessibility prospects, or any other prospects related to governance possibilities, are done away within the minimum possible time. Therefore, the GBD 2019 was able to show the overall prospects which have been improved with the adoption of these abovementioned ideas.
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