Thulium fiber laser (TFL) is a novel laser in the field of urology. There is no consensus for optimal parameters. As most urologists use social media, being Twitter the platform with the most dissemination in healthcare, we aim to review the preferred TFL settings chosen by the experts and, to evaluate their pros and cons.
A Twitter review was performed from November 2019 (firsts TFL experiences in urology) until October 2021 using the hashtags: “thuliumfiber”, “ThuliumFiberLaser”, “TFL” “soltive”, “fiberdust”, “OlympusUrology”, “quanta_system”, “IPG_Photonics”, “rocamed”. Only board-certified urologists were considered. The “tweets” selected include information about TFL preferred settings for stone lithotripsy and tissue ablation. Additionally, we also seek information regarding laser technique, fiber size, laser time, stone type and equipment.
A total of 42 opinions were identified. The 23 endourologists have a median of 2.298 followers (range 202-10.000). Most comments were about TFL settings for kidney stone dusting (61%). There was a significant difference (p < 0.05) for kidney stone dusting settings (dusting, frequency, and power) between endourologists. Only 24% reported their fiber size, 4 reported the stone composition and 2 endourologists mentioned their type of ureteroscope. There was no discussion about technique used (burst or continuous) nor equipment. Surgery time was reported 3 times.
There is no consensus in TFL pre-settings. When a pre-setting is proposed, it should also recommend technique to be used. Settings are personal and related to multiple factors, such as training, technique, equipment and fiber size.
© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.
About The Expert
Alba Sierra
Mariela Corrales
Adrià Piñero
Olivier Traxer
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