The following is a summary of “Gap junction-mediated contraction of myoepithelial cells induces the peristaltic transport of sweat in human eccrine glands,” published in the November 2023 issue of Dermatology by Nakashima et al.
Eccrine sweat glands are pivotal in regulating body temperature, producing sweat in their coiled secretory portion, which is then transported to the skin surface through peristaltic action. Surrounding these secretory coils are myoepithelial cells, known for their contractile properties and speculated role in sweat transport, although their specific function remains unclear. In this study, researchers conducted ex vivo live imaging of isolated human eccrine glands to investigate the mechanisms involved in sweat transport.
Their research revealed that cholinergic stimulation triggers dynamic contractile motion in the coiled secretory duct, driven by the synchronized contractions of myoepithelial cells mediated through gap junctions. This contractile activity is observed in segmented regions within the secretory duct and is particularly prominent in areas surrounded by nerve fibers. Additionally, their observations identified distension-contraction sequences occurring in the excretory duct.
By employing ex vivo live imaging, their study provides compelling evidence of the crucial role played by myoepithelial cells in facilitating peristaltic sweat secretion from human eccrine glands. The cholinergic stimulation induced distinctive contractile movements in the secretory duct, suggesting a specific mechanism for sweat transport within the eccrine gland. These findings shed light on the functional involvement of myoepithelial cells in the process of sweat secretion, indicating their significant contribution to the intricate mechanism of temperature regulation in the human body.
Further research is warranted to comprehensively understand the interplay between cholinergic stimulation, myoepithelial cell contraction, and the precise dynamics of sweat transport. These insights could unravel new therapeutic avenues or approaches for managing conditions related to temperature dysregulation or disorders associated with eccrine gland malfunction.