It is known that urinary tract infection UTI rates increase with age, but information on the significance of other risk factors is scant. The researchers behind this meta-analysis set out to learn what causes urinary tract infections in kids. Publications in the PubMed database between 1966 and May of 2019. In children, studies were considered if they evaluated at least 1 potential risk factor for the occurrence or recurrence of UTI using a consistent definition of symptomatic UTI. Researchers did not include research involving patients who developed UTIs as a result of hospitalization or who had severe congenital renal abnormalities. After conducting a quality evaluation, they gathered information on the specified risk factor in both children with and without UTI. Separate sets of information were culled regarding first-time occurrences and subsequent recurrences of UTIs. The meta-analysis includes 24 total investigations. The risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) was reduced by 0.1 (95% CI: 0.06-0.17) for males who had undergone circumcision and by 0.4 (95% CI: 0.19-0.86) for females who had breastfed. Obesity and its associated risk of urinary tract infections (OR: 2.23; CI: 1.37–3.63). There was a correlation between low fluid intake (OR: 6.39; CI: 3.07-13.39) and recurrent UTIs, as was a low frequency of urination (OR: 3.54; CI: 1.68-7.46). Different research uses different methods, populations, and terminology. Children are at a higher risk of developing UTIs if they are overweight or obese and don’t drink enough water. The risk of developing a urinary tract infection (UTI) is reduced by both breastfeeding and circumcision.