The Learning Ratio (LR) is a novel learning score that has shown improved utility over other learning metrics in detecting Alzheimer’s disease (AD) across multiple memory tasks. However, its utility on the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease Word List Memory Test (CERAD WLMT), a widely used list learning measure sensitive to decline in neurodegenerative disease, is unknown. The goal of the current study was to determine the utility of LR on the CERAD WLMT in differentiating between diagnostic (MiNCD vs MaNCD) and etiologic groups (VaD vs AD) in a veteran sample. Raw learning slope (RLS) and LR scores were examined in 168 veterans diagnosed with major neurocognitive disorder (MaNCD), mild neurocognitive disorder (MiNCD), or normal aging following neuropsychological evaluation. Patients with MaNCD were further classified by suspected etiology (i.e. microvascular disease vs AD). Whereas RLS scores were not significantly different between MiNCD and MaNCD, LR scores were significantly different between all diagnostic groups (‘ < .05). Those with AD had lower LR scores and RLS scores compared to those with VaD (' < .05). LR classification accuracy was acceptable for MiNCD (AUC = .76), excellent for MaNCD (AUC = .86) and VaD (AUC = .81), and outstanding for AD (AUC = .91). Optimal cutoff scores for WLMT LR were derived from Youden's index. Results support the use of LR scores over RLS when interpreting the CERAD WLMT and highlight the clinical utility of LR in differentiating between diagnostic groups and identifying suspected etiology.
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